
Massimo Agnoletti English Presentation

Dr. Massimo Agnoletti

Welcome to my web presentation,

my name is Massimo Agnoletti,

I’m a psychologist and research assistant. I have a Ph.D. in psychology research from Verona University and I am a stress expert as I study interconnections between stress, psychological, metabolic and cellular health.  My experience is internationally based with focus on the U.S.A. territory.

My professional “mission” is to translate the most recent and innovative psychological and biomedical scientific research findings in a concrete way that can be easily applicable to ultimately improve people health, wellness, performance and quality of life.

In order to obtain my objective, I work with people to provide psychological support and professional counseling. I am also involved in academic and scientific research and as a writer to share psychological themes to not technical audience.

Subjects where I am most focused are:

  • Flow Experiences (called also as Optimal Experiences),
  • Time Profile Perspective,
  • Epigenetic and Telomeric Science (Epigenetic Psychology),
  • Microbiome science implications for Psychology,
  • Immunological implications of the vagus nerve activated by mental states,
  • Chronic Stress and its psycho-neuro-physiological and cellular implications.

In 2018 I coined the name “Epigenetic Psychology” referring to the branch of scientific psychology that studies epigenetic implications of psychological factors (cognitive, emotional motivational).


Here you can find an interview about my work:



I am the first and only psychologist internationally to offer the cellular telomeric analysis (indicative of the aging process and of the body life span potential) as part of my clinical protocol to assess the effects of stress both at the physical and psychological levels.

In supporting my clients, I offer them an effective service to improve their whole psychophysical wellbeing using a unique and exclusive method including:

–       the most recent findings and instruments of Psychological Sciences;

–       the scientific knowledge of stress management and of evidence based medicine;

–       the biometrical and cellular analysis obtained by using innovative and non invasive biomedical technologies.

I am deeply convinced that it is possible to offer an efficient and solid psychological support only by combining the most recent and up to date scientific competence to an humanistic and welcoming relation approach.

I am certified by Massachusetts General Hospital (an institution of the prestige Harvard School of Medicine based in Boston, Massachusetts, USA) with the “Stress and the Relation Response: The Fundamentals of Mind Body Medicine” course (recognized and certified also by the APA – American Psychological Association),  MIT-Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, USA) with “Qualitative Research Methods: Conversational Interviewing”. I am also certified by the Berkeley University (California, USA) with the “Science of Happiness” course and obtained the certification for “The Immune System: New Developments in Research” released by the Osaka University (Osaka, Japan).



In 2016 I created the website  www.profilotemporale.it  where I offer for the first time in Italy and for free a an innovative scientific based evaluation of a person psychological Time Profile (this field was founded by prof. Phil Zimbardo).


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I have graduated in General Experimental Psychology from the University of Padova with the highest grade and won a year of scholarship at the University College of London (UK). I am registered to the National Board of Psychologists and I am a member of two professional working groups of Veneto Psychologists Board (Positive Psychology and Sport Psychology).


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I won my Ph.D with the scholarship from the University of Verona and this gave me the opportunity to spend a year in the United States (at Florida Atlantic University – in the department of Evolutionary Psychology). Since then I have continued to work and develop professionally in this country too.

In the USA, I was blessed to know a variety of established professionals from both the academical, clinical and business fields who have helped me to grow professionally in many meaningful ways and they have contributed to sustain my passion in Psychology.


I have the pleasure to still be working with some of these professionals today.  In particular I am grateful to prof. Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi (Claremont Graduate University, USA), prof. Marcello Barbieri (University of Ferrara, Italy), prof. Todd Shackelford (Oakland University, USA), Marlene Maheu (San Diego, USA), prof. Phil Zimbardo (Stanford University, USA), prof. Roberto Cialdini (Arizona State University, USA) and prof. Sandro Formica (Florida International University, USA).

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My main professional qualifications are:

  • University of Padova, Graduated in General and Experimental Psychology (with the highest grade)
  • University of Verona, Ph.D. in Psychology Research (2005 with thesis developed at Florida Atlantic University).
  • Massachusetts General Hospital (Boston, USA), Stress and Relaxation Response: The Fundamentals of Mind Body Medicine” also recognized for continuing education from APA (American Psychological Association)
  • Berkeley University (California, USA), “Science and Happiness” certification.
  • Osaka University (Osaka, Japan) “The Immune System: New Developments in Research” certification.
  • Open Academy of Medicine (Venice, Italy) “Neuroimmunomodulation, Metabolism, Clinical Nutrition and Phisical Rehabilitation Expert” certification.

Member of the following prestigious institutions:

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  • APA (American Psychological Association)
  • APS (Association for Psychological Science),
  • PRS (Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society),
  • TPN (Time Perspective Network)
  • PLP (Psicologi Liberi Professionisti)
  • SIPNEI (Società Italiana di Psico-Neuro-Endocrino-Immunologia),
  • IPPA (International Positive Psychology Association),
  • ENPP(European Network for Positive Psychology)
  • SIPP (Società Italiana Psicologia Positiva),
  • ABT (Associazione di Biologia Teorica),
  • ISCB (International Society of Code Biology),
  • EFRN (European Flow Researchs Network).

Additionally to the my traditional clinical and research work, I am the president of PLP (Private Practice Psychologists) – Veneto section and I’m the leading psychologist of Studio3A Spa company providing counseling and continuing education to employed professionals of this company and their clients.

I support families affected by PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) by following an innovative protocol created by prof. Philip Zimbardo (Standard University, USA) with whom I collaborate since years. Prof. Zimbardo and me are collecting psychophysiological data to study, research and help more efficaciously people dealing with this difficult situations.

I have published and being interviewed for several specialized/technical magazines (such as PNEI NEWS, DIPAV Psychology Books, Medicalive Magazine, States of Mind Magazine, Accademy of Fitness Magazine). Some more popular magazines (such as La Repubblica, Libero, Donna Moderna, Gioia, Persone&Conoscenze, Studio3A Magazine, Silhouette Donna, Elisir Salute,  Niente Ansia, Psicotecnologie) and local television channels such as TV7 Triveneta and Televenezia.


These are some of my scientific publications:

  • Agnoletti, M. & Kostic, A. (2018). “Time profile gap from optimal time profile is correlated to circadian chortisol production and general inflammatory condition”, International conference proceedings on Time Perspective, Nantes, France.
  • Agnoletti, M. & Kostic, A. (2018). “Time profile gap from optimal time profile is negatively correlated to flow experience’s frequency”, International conference proceedings on Time Perspective, Nantes, France.
  • Agnoletti, M. (2018). “Il diabete, gli stili di vita e la gestione psicologica dello Stress: quanto il Profilo Temporale può aumentare la compliance terapeutica”, Medicalive Magazine, n 5, Italy.
  • Agnoletti, M. (2018). “Optimal experiences (Flow) are correlated with a more efficient anti-inflammatory cholinergic efferent vagus nerve pathway” International Neuroscience and Biological Psychiatry Conference of Stress and Behavior Society ISBS, Miami, FL, USA.
  • Agnoletti, M. (2018). “Il ruolo chiave delle emozioni nellʼinsorgenza di infarti miocardici: la componente psicologica della gestione dello stress è un fattore chiave”, Medicalive Magazine, n 4, Italy.
  • Agnoletti, M. (2018). “Aspetti psiconeurali della connessione tra le esperienze ottimali (flow) e la resilienza”, Medicalive Magazine, n 3, Italy.
  • Agnoletti, M. (2018). “La motivazione intrinseca migliora l’ambiente e le performance aziendali”, Persone & Conoscenze Magazine, n 127, Italy.
  • Agnoletti, M. (2017). “Le conoscenze scientifiche sulla persuasione e sull’effetto placebo/nocebo richiedono di essere implementate all’interno della comunicazione espressa dai professionisti sanitari.”, Medicalive Magazine, n 11, Italy.
  • Agnoletti, M. (2017). “Competenza del professionista o empatia? La percezione del paziente.”, Medicalive Magazine, n 10, Italy.
  • Agnoletti, M. (2017). “Do more frequent flow experiences correspond to a more efficient cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway?”, conference proceedings on International SIPNEI and ISNIM neuroimmunomodulation, Rome, Italy.
  • Agnoletti, M. (2017). “Does a better time profile correspond to a better cortisol circadian rhythm and a better inflammatory condition?”, conference proceedings on International SIPNEI and ISNIM neuroimmunomodulation, Rome, Italy.
  • Agnoletti, M. (2017). “Do more frequent flow experiences correspond to a more optimal Time Profile?”, conference proceedings on International Positive Psychology, Rome, Italy.
  • Agnoletti, M. (2016). “Orientamento Temporale e Stress”, PNEI NEWS n°5, 2016, Italy.
  • Agnoletti, M. (2016). “Il Profilo Temporale come strumento per migliorare la comunicazione professionista sanitario/paziente.”, MEDICALIVE, n 8, 2016, Italy.
  • Agnoletti, M. (2016). “L’Orientamento Temporale e la prospettiva psico-neuro-metabolica”, State of Mind, Italy.
  • Agnoletti, M. (2016). “Il questionario dei MUS (Medical Unexplaned Symptoms) quale strumento per identificare velocemente sintomi correlati all’ansia e/o alla depressione”, Atti del convegno internazionale “Le terapie psicologiche per ansia e depressione: costi e benefici”, dipartimento di psicologia Università di Padova, Padova 18-19/11/2016.
  • Agnoletti, M. (2016). “Che relazione esiste tra la frequenza delle Esperienze Ottimali e i MUS (Medically Unexplaned Symptoms)?”, Atti del convegno internazionale sulla Psicologia Positiva, Cesena 09/11-06-16.
  • Agnoletti, M. (2016). “PTSD’s time perspective profile is correlated with heart rate variability reduction. Which time perspective dimension is more correlated with that?”, International conference proceedings on Time Perspective, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Agnoletti,M.(2016). “Do time perspective orientations have specific vagal activity or anti-inflammatory cholinergic pathway activity? Past negative/future vs present edonistic/past positive”, International conference proceedings on Time Perspective, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Agnoletti, M. (2016). ” PTSD’s time perspective profile is correlated with a anti-inflammatory cholinergic pathway activity interference? Which time perspective dimension is more correlated with this kind of anti-inflammatory cholinergic activity?”, International conference proceedings on Time Perspective, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Agnoletti, M. (2016). “Do time perspective orientations have different heart rate variability?”, International conference proceedings on Time Perspective, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Agnoletti, M. (2016). “PTSD’s time perspective profile is correlated with a specific inflammatory configuration? Which time perspective dimension is more correlated with this inflammatory configuration?”, International conference proceedings on Time Perspective, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Agnoletti, M. (2016). “Different time perspective orientations have different number and/or type of medical unexplained symptoms?”, International conference proceedings on Time Perspective, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Agnoletti, M. (2015). “Gli aspetti psico-neuro-fisiologici della comunicazione professionista sanitario – utente: le recenti scoperte scientifiche implicano la definizione di nuove linee guida e protocolli”, Medicalive Magazine n7, 2015, pp. 24-30.
  • Agnoletti, M. (2015). “Vivere più esperienze ottimali equivale ad avere un’asse dello stress HPA (ipotalamo-ipofisi-surrene) più efficace?”, Atti del convegno internazionale sulla Psicologia Positiva, Bergamo 12/13-06-15.
  • Agnoletti, M. (2015). “Le esperienze ottimali, la resilienza e lo stress”, PNEI NEWS, n1, pp. 7-10.
  • Agnoletti, M. (2014). “Optimal Experience Frequency is related to Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory’s dimensions?”, Atti del convegno internazionale sulla Time Perspective, Varsavia 01-08-14.
  • Agnoletti, M. (2013). “La connessione tra l’Esperienza Ottimale la Resilienza ed il Cortisolo “, Atti del convegno internazionale “L’intreccio Mente, Stress e Cancro”, Brescia 21/22/23-11-2013. Comunicazione premiata come al convegno.
  • Agnoletti, M. (2013). “L’Esperienza Ottimale e le tre strategie per incrementarla”, Atti del convegno “La Psicologia Positiva. Prospettive di ricerca, settori di intervento, sbocchi lavorativi”, Padova 26-10-2013.
  • Agnoletti, M. (2005) “Il significato adattivo dell’Esperienza Ottimale. Può essere il flow un indicatore di fitness genetica?”, tesi di dottorato presso Università degli Studi di Verona.
  •  Agnoletti, M. (2004) “il modello bio-psico-culturale” in Dipav, n.11, Franco Angeli, Milano.


These are some of my not technical/general public publications:




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